Plant a Tree Fundraiser
$1,158.20 raised of $5,000.00 goal
Jan 17, 2022 to May 1, 2022

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We are 6th-graders from Alburnett, Iowa - who feel the need to plant trees! Our recent research project on climate change inspired us to think of things we could do to help the environment. We had learned about the CauseTeam before, and thought about doing a fundraiser for planting trees around Alburnett. We are working hard to write, create designs, and promote our mission. All donations will be used to plant trees throughout our community.
NASA’s “Effects of Climate Change” article predicts that we only have 20 years before it’s too late to fix climate change. As the global temperature rises, glaciers will continue to melt and contribute to rising sea levels. Maps show that by 2030, New York City will face regular flooding (Independent Newspaper, 2021). If nothing is done, natural disasters will continue to intensify and become more frequent. Since the 1980’s, category 4 and 5 hurricanes have increased drastically. The national average of precipitation in the U.S has increased since the 1900's.
According to the OneTreePlanted charity, the average tree absorbs 22 pounds of Carbon Dioxide a year for the first 20 years. Once the tree matures, the amount of Carbon it absorbs is raised to about 30 pounds per year.
It takes more than just planting trees, but our mission can help inspire others to do the same. NASA scientist, Alan Buis (2019), claims by planting trees, we are absorbing more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. With worldwide efforts to push drastic reductions in CO₂, the global temperature will stop rising.
An Arbor Day Foundation article claims trees are also good for human health. Trees help purify our air and drink water. Trees can also cool big cities by up to 10 degrees a year.
Our goal is to plant at least 50 trees.
If we plant 50 trees, it will absorb about 1,100 pounds of carbon dioxide every year. In the midwest, the average tree sapling costs about 100 dollars. Thus, our current monetary goal is $5,000. All of the money we raise will help us plant trees in the Alburnett, Iowa community!
Thank you for your support!
- Alburnett 6th-grade
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